Podcast Simone Herbert-Lowe Podcast Simone Herbert-Lowe

The Lawyers Weekly Show: Cyber security, professional conduct and civil liability.

Simone Herbert-Lowe delves into the extent to which upholding certain standards regarding cyber security is at the forefront of lawyers’ minds, the expansion of the remit of professional obligations for lawyers, the potential penalties for lawyers who breach standards or civil liability obligations, what lawyers must do in order to ensure best practice and avoid disciplinary findings, and the need for constant vigilance rather than employing a “set and forget” attitude.

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Podcast NATALIE Lane Podcast NATALIE Lane

Cyber Resilience Is Human

Founder of Law & Cyber Simone Herbert-Lowe is determined to move cyber resilience and security from a compliance-based 'tick the box' education to organisations of all sizes to create a cyber-aware culture. As a practicing lawyer, Simone witnessed firsthand the impact on humans of cyber hacking and now leads a business that educates humans to move from blame to empowerment and prevents 'cyber' strangers from opening the door to important data.

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Podcast Simone Herbert-Lowe Podcast Simone Herbert-Lowe

The Boutique Lawyer Show: Best cyber practices for small firms

Simone Herbert-Lowe delves into why firms might be a target for different hackers, her practical guidance for boutique firm owners to ensure they are upholding their professional duties and are engaged in best practice, the need to be across proposed legislative changes, the place for limited liability, prioritising urgent needs in anticipation of a possible recession and why boutique firm owners must put themselves forward for recognition for their stellar work.

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